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GAL Lactoferrin plus, foremilk 120 g (60 doses)

GAL Lactoferrin Plus

The power of colostrum for both adults and children.

  • It may improve the immune system and enhances its functioning while fully feeding both macro and micronutrients
  • It may increase iron levels 
  • It may improve the intestinal flora 
  • It might be effective against infections
  • It may have strong bacterial, viral and antifungal biofilm effects

Recommendations & Consumption: It completely dissolves in any liquid after about half a minute of stirring. Thus, we recommend its consumption as a drink. In the case of regular usage, take ~2-4 g per day (~1 or 2 teaspoons). In its use as a course of supplementation, take 3 x 4 g per day for 1 or 2 weeks. Caution! It may cause mild Diarrhoea if the dose is greater than 12 g. It should be administered in proportion to body weight for children, calculated by using 60 kg as the mean adult’s weight.

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